Why Health is Important?
“Health is wealth.” I hope we all are pretty much clear about this but it is difficult for many of us to implement maintaining good health is a bit challenging. But believe me, nothing is impossible if we really want. Why health is important in our life?
Our body is made of various cells. Even if we are not moving these cells have some tasks to do in our bodies. Each body part has its own functions as the kidney helps in filter urine, the lungs help in breathing, heart helps in circulating blood.
If we will not give them certain nutrients and a healthy environment they won’t be able to do their functions. Our body needs the energy to run all the functions continuously, so from where we get this energy?
When we don’t care for our health it becomes unwell and that person could be suffering from any disease. And when we start taking care of important things like eating good food, doing exercise, take proper rest things automatically comes as better results in front of us. But now the question is how could we maintain that. From where we should start? right!
You should with smaller steps. There are some basic things which we need to do for our physical, mental, spiritual health-
- Drinking water
- Meditation
- Exercises
- Healthy eating habits
- live in a healthy environment
- Keeping a positive attitude
- Live stress-free
Drinking-Water- Drinking water plays a significant role in terms of keeping our body away from so many diseases. Half of the disease stays away just because of drinking water habits.
We should drink 7–8 glass of water daily. Drinking water in the early morning is also beneficial. In the beginning, you can start with one glass later you can increase according to your comfort.
There are certain apps that could help you to build some good habits.
Meditation- Not everyone’s cup of tea. right? These days taking care of our mental health is equally important. Because time is changing fast. People have to do a lot of things altogether within deadlines. All these causes stress.
not only this if you are surrounded by toxic people who create a hostile work environment it becomes difficult to gain mental peace. It also gives us a lot of strain and causes many diseases like stones, depression, diabetes, etc.
For your peace of mind like your mobile phone, you have to charge your mind too. Meditation helps a lot in that. Meditation is not only sitting in a lonely dark place and close your eyes for several hours. Even sitting quietly in the morning and thinking or focus on something is also meditation. You find a spiritual connection with God once you reach excellence.
This is also my personal experience meditation gives you peace. It reduces your stress and makes you more focused in life.
Exercise- Regular exercise is a good way of keeping your body fit. It doesn’t mean you have to start hitting the gym as early as possible. You can start it with simple walking, some exercises which are possible to do at home also.
You can also engage in some physical activity like swimming, cycling, outdoor games.
Daily exercise boosts your energy level, it promotes good sleep which results can be seen in our work, profession, and social life too.
Not only this it helps you to keep maintaining your weight so that you are saved from so many diseases which might catch due to overweight.
Healthy eating habits- Merely exercise and meditation can’t help you if you don’t maintain a healthy diet. Our body gains energy from food. Food is full of all the nutrients, vitamins, protein, carbs, and fat.
We need everything in proper proportion. Lack of anything could cause a weak body.
Seasonal fruits, green vegetables, pulses, dairy products all need to be included in our diet. In our daily work life, we hardly pay heed on such things unless our doctor suggests to us. But we should make it a habit and stop eating junk foods.
Eating healthy fresh cooked food improves our immunity. Makes your bones and teeth strong. Keep you in a good mood.
You must have noticed that whenever you skip your breakfast or lunch later you jump on anything available to you.
Live in a healthy environment- Our duty is not only limited to our body it also extends towards our environment. Where we are living there should be cleanliness. sometimes we are taking good care of our health but forget about our environment.
Where we have to breathe make sure that place should be full of trees, plants, odor-free, and smoke-free. If there is pollution and you are unable to live, you must take action and complain about it to the concerned authorities.
For a healthy life, we also need a good natural environment. A little positive change in our habits can bring major changes in the environment.
Usage of waste material for recycling, not to waste drinking water, rainwater conservation all such steps can be helpful for a safe environment.
Keep a Positive attitude- We are eating good, living in a healthy posh environment, doing exercise but our way of thinking is not right, our friends and the family are not supportive which may lead to negative thinking about ourselves, It can cause diseases like depression or other mental health-related issues.
Resolving this is also very important for overall psychical health. It is very crucial to be in a circle of positive people.
Due to rigorous competition, people are not that kind and humble as they use to be. Insecurity, fear of failure, judgmental behavior of others could be a reason for frustration, anger, and sadness.
we usually face that kind of people everywhere in schools, colleges, workplaces, in house, in social gatherings make sure you’re having your real people who help you, motivate you, inspire you.
That is why it is necessary to keep a positive attitude towards life. Thinking right is equally important for your health. You can check these books on positive thinking.
Live a stress-free life- Today maximum people are dealing with stress everywhere because of fast forward life. There we need to go slow, time to think about ourselves too. Pursuing your hobby or interest can de-stress you.
This will not only boost your confidence will also give you real happiness. Your me-time could help you to get relax. For some people, their hobby is like a meditation.
There are many options like dancing, painting, photography, writing, cooking, etc. You can also learn something new. All these activities will develop your creativity and make you more focused and more productive and extra efficient.
Other than this you have to set realistic goals. Better to use a calendar or something so that you can check your progress and finish your work on time. Ultimately it’s all related to your health.
So taking care of your health have its own significance for mental, physical, spiritual health. Your wellness will lead you towards success in life. Because a healthy mind dwells in a healthy body.
Therefore now onwards take charge of your life, start changing your habits for a healthier life. It will bring you economical growth and well being. Because with a weak body and poor health you can’t work or think actively. So set your health as top priority in your goals list.
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