8 Habits To Remain Focused For Your Goals

Pranita Awasthi
4 min readJul 24, 2020


What is your goal? What is your funda of remain focused?

Have you decided what is your goal in life? Our goals give us happiness and satisfaction. Without any goal, we are lost and don’t know the right direction.

What is the purpose of living? There could be any reason for choosing a goal. If you are clear about your goals, you are going good. But how to remain focused and achieve that sense of happiness, it’s difficult. Because things do not go always as we plan.

“Dreams” a very familiar word. when we think or imagine to have something in our life we have to start from somewhere.. True..!!. Once we decide what we want? we think how we can get that?

We search for ways to fulfill our dreams & we start planning. All these sequences of fulling our dream become our goals. Goals are realistic, dreams are imaginary. Goals can be long term or short term.

What makes people achieve what they want? This question can come in anyone’s mind. What all successful people do to achieve their goals in life? What makes them run behind their dream.

If these questions boggle your mind, then I am going to share with you some effective habits which can benefit you :)

1. Write down your Goals- Before we start something we should know what we want. We need to be specific about our goals. Your goals should be SMART

(S- specific, M- measurable, A- achievable, R-relevant, T- timebound)

As these words say our goals should be specific, we should be clear about what we want, Nothing is impossible that is true but we should not decide something which is not measurable or unrealistic. You can’t expect a fish walking on the road her place is there in the water.

Our goals can be active or passive. Active goals are those which are specific and written, passive goals are those we haven’t written anywhere, they are just in our mind. If other things are clear we can decide time limitation that would be helpful for us. In this way, you can be assured of moving further.

Goals that are not defined we can’t be completed.

2. Collect information- You need to collect information about the things related to your goals. You should do some research so that you can understand what is required to get things done. Talk to people from the same background, listen to their success and failure stories.

Meet with people who have similar experiences, join them, connect with them. There is no harm in using resources. The more you know the more you can bring out.

3. Always remember why did you choose that goal- People choose a certain goal for a purpose. You should be clear about your purpose. what would you achieve by completing that goal? Anytime you think about backing out, you should re-think that why did you start?

You should be aware of all the sacrifices and all hurdles that will come on your way. If you know it earlier would be better. You can make a decision easily. You should have that much patience. Some goals are common and easy to achieve but some goals would be difficult.

To reach your destination you should know, How much time it would take, How much effort it would require? If you have answers to these questions, you are on the right path.

4. Have a plan B- Many times in life some alien problems arrive about which we haven’t even thought of. It’s not always required to quit your dream but you can find other ways. That time we have to get ready with another plan. It would aid you to avoid depression, anxiety, and frustration.

Many times even after trying so hard we don’t get results as we expect. In that case, you become sad and become gloomy but if you would try some new ideas or somethings as the backup plan you can save yourself from desolation.

For example, If your goal is to achieve good health and due to some reasons, you couldn’t go-to fitness classes or the gym you can start at home by following some good diet or you can start later by online training.

5. Get inspired — There are many people who are successful, they already walked that path which we are thinking about. One can learn and get inspired by their stories. It can be a person, a song which motivates you, a book, anything that makes you feel energetic, you will start feeling positive.

You will feel refreshed and It gives you the courage to start again. Maybe a mentor who could help you to overcome that hurdle.

6. Analyze your progress daily- It is important that one should keep monitoring their performance. time to time. It’s always required to check where we are and where we want to reach? What are the necessary steps that need to take for amendment? How progress can be improved.

Sometimes you need to change the direction or put some different ideas. Understanding self and every aspect are necessary.

7. Get back to work- Ups, and downs, variation in the situations will be inevitable. But it doesn’t mean that one should stop. One can come back with a stronger composition. Maybe you need that break. It won’t be always like you can work according to your mood sometimes you have to finish things to get the results. So leave behind all that laziness and get back to the groove.

8. Celebrate your Efforts- I am not saying to throw a party on a small achievement but celebrate your success and efforts. You can take daybreak, spent quality time with your loved ones, treat yourself with some of your favorite food, things, or a place. All these tiny things will keep your spirit up and boost your confidence level.

If we want something in life, we have to work hard, work with discipline, and choose never give up attitude. When goals are long term its better to break them in smaller goals. After completion of each step, you would feel confident and motivated.

Hope the above habits will help you to remain focused.

If you think, you can add more valuable points I would appreciate it.



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